BOM - MAY 2003
Friendship Links 15"
Cutting Instructions:

Cut 2:  2 5/8" squares, dark

Cut 2:  2 5/8" x 4 3/4" strips, dark

Cut 2:  2 5/8" x 9" strips, dark 

Cut 6:  2 5/8" squares, medium 

Cut 4: 2 5/8" x 4 3/4" strips, medium

Cut 5: 2 5/8" squares, light 

Cut 1: 7 1/4" square light; in quarters diagonally to make 4 setting  triangles: label them with a sticky note 

Cut 2: 5 3/8" squares, light; then cut each in half diagonally to :   yield 4 corner triangles; label them
Join a 2 5/83' medium square to a 2 5/8", light square, to form a pair. Make 2.
Stitch a pair between 2 5/8~ X 4 3/43
medium strips, as shown. Make 2.

With a pieced rectangle positioned as
shown, sew seming triangles to the
left and right sides. Sew a corner
triangle to the bottom edge.

Sew a medium 2 5/89' square between a  2 5/8" X 4 3/4" dark strip and a 2 5/8" x 9"
dark strip. Make 2.

Join 2 5/8", squares in the following order:
to make a pieced row -- dark, light,
medium, light, medium, light, dark.

Stitch this pieced row between the 2 matching pieced rows. Position the rows as shown. Stitch corner triangles to the ends of this pieced unit.

Join the pieced units to complete the block.